Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Sheila
Hi! My name is Sheila and I am part of #teamhallie! I am from Orland Park, IL and currently live in Lockport with my husband and two children.
I am thankful for my husband who works endlessly to provide my children with every opportunity they could ever dream of. I am thankful for our village who steps in to take care of our kids while we are working, and I am thankful for the two little blessings who call me Mom. I am thankful for the outdoors and teaching our kids how to appreciate it. Everyday I am thankful for having a home, a wonderful family, food to eat and clothes to wear. I am thankful to have a job and a car to get me there. But when I think deeply about what I am truly thankful for I realize the little things that at first glance make me cringe are truly things to be thankful for.
I’m thankful for the dishes in the sink because they represent a meal I enjoyed with my whole family sitting around the table. I am thankful for the dog hair on my black pants because it means I got down on the floor and enjoyed our pet and kids. I am thankful for the handprints and kiss marks on my front window because they are the ones my kids so happily made while seeing me pull into the driveway to come home to them. I am thankful for the toys on the ground because it means my kids had a fun day playing. I am thankful for the pile of clothes that haven’t yet been put away because I spent my day making memories with my family instead. Through the HallieStrong Foundation I have read so many stories about people giving back. I have learned of people who are fighting horrible battles with such positivity. I have seen people reaching out to help complete strangers. I have seen people going through their own battles, reaching out to help others. Through all of this, I have learned to be thankful for the little things because after all, the little things are really the big things.🧡 -Sheila