Hallie Hope, 11.3.16

“...our hearts ached as we walked out as two, after going in as three.”

We lost our Hallie three years ago yesterday. I had every intention of posting this yesterday to honor and to remember our little, as she’s the very inspiration of this foundation but some days punch harder than you think and yesterday did just that. So here I am today. This is the blog post where we introduced Hallie Hope to the world and is more than worth a share today and everyday. Some days this foundation feels impossible to run because of why we have it but I force myself to remember that this very foundation guarantees that our daughter’s name, memory & legacy will never be forgotten, one of my deepest fears, considering our story.

Our world has never been the same since 11.3.16 and will never be what it should’ve been. I’m still waiting for time to heal all wounds! Nobody should ever have to go into a hospital as three, only to leave with empty arms. Nobody should ever have to fight cancer.

What I would give to hug you so tight today Hallie, and to hear you say, “Mom, stop, you’re squeezing me!”


Bethany Hart