Socktober 2020 - Thank You!

We are still very much in the process of sorting through a lot of the different sock drives and fundraisers that took place throughout October but so far, we’ve collected over 7,000 dollars and pairs of socks! That is enough to make this our best #socktober yet!

We truthfully had no idea what to expect this year, given the uncertainty and insanity of the times that surround us all. We prepare for #socktober all year long and we, like everyone else, did our best to get creative since we lost out on so many sock drive/fundraising opportunities do to everything being virtual. We set big goals and wow, are we blown away.

A million thanks to everyone who donated - every dollar and ever pair of socks matters in such a big way. Every dollar and every pair of socks is used to spread Hallie’s legacy of hope to someone fighting cancer, so thank you for giving us more runway by donating! We are always forever grateful for your generosity, but more than ever this year.

If you didn’t get a chance to donate, you are still more than welcome to! Click on the link above to give money or learn how to donate socks.

See you in Socktober 2021!

Bethany Hart
HallieStrong + ClozTalk - New Charity Partner!
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We are so excited to announce that we are the newest charity partner featured on ClozTalk! That means you are able to shop for all sorts of awesome HallieStrong march for kids and adults, with a portion of the proceeds being donated directly back to HallieStrong!

ClozTalk’s entire mission is to outfit nonprofit supporters with all the greatest march, as that’s the easiest way to start conversations around their mission. They are also very passionate about connecting people with all the great work of so many charities. We are truly so honored to be working with them.

You can shop the HallieStrong store here. You can also find all of this information anytime on our website under the Shop tab.

Merch is a super important component to growing our mission. We appreciate your support in wearing this logo proudly and talking about it often,. The more people know about us, the more cancer patients we can connect with. We don’t want to stop until there’s a fun pair of socks on the feet of every patient across the country!

Bethany Hart
The HallieStrong Foundation at The Cyclones Fight Cancer Night!
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Join The HallieStrong Foundation on Saturday February 1st at Heritage Bank Center for the annual Cyclones Fight Cancer Night!

The Cyclones will raise awareness for all types of cancer by wearing specialty jerseys that will be auctioned off after the game.

$6 off of every ticket sold will benefit The HallieStrong Foundation so join us in the fight against cancer today! To purchase tickets, click here. For accessible seating options, please call the Alex Makin at (513) 421-2709

See you there & go Cyclones!

-Team Hallie

Bethany Hart
Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Bethany
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Hi! Bethany here, Hallie’s Mom and the infamous sock mismatcher that helped to start this all. I am so, so grateful for this year as a whole, a year in which deep grief has unfolded into great joy for us. A joy that is simply indescribable, so much so that I can’t even try. Kevin, Hallie & Kelly, I love you all so much and I am so thankful you’re mine!🧡💚 I am also so, so grateful for HallieStrong. What it has already become, for the people we’ve connected with through it, for the stories of strength and courage that have come from it. For the stories of immense hardship and inevitable loss with cancer that remind me how precious life is and how much more work we have to do. For the hope that has been felt around the country in Hallie’s name. For the hundreds of people who have poured their resources into helping us grow so our daughter is never forgotten. For our Team Hallie, they’re our people, who are all the best of the best in both the work they do and the family that they are to us. Life sure didn’t go according to plan and yeah, I fight that some days but for today, this Thanksgiving, what a reminder of the beauty that can come from the ashes. I have so much love and appreciation for all of you! -Bethany

Bethany Hart
Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Kevin
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Hello everyone, Kevin here! I am very proud to introduce myself as the co-founder of HallieStrong and Hallie’s Dad. Most of you know our story by now, so you know I have so much that I am thankful for. First of all, it’s all of you, the folks that have supported our foundation, whether it has been donating socks or money, tagging socks, or participating in a sock drive. You give us the ability to spread Hallie’s hope. I am also so very thankful for all of the women (and their spouses) who are part of #teamhallie - we wouldn’t be where we are today without you and I truly appreciate all of your help and support. We are very lucky to have you helping us daily and to call you our friends. I am thankful for our families who have been there for us through this crazy adventure and all of the ups and downs of the last few years. And finally, for my family, our baby girl Hallie, our amazing baby boy Kelly and last but certainly not least the brains of this whole operation, my amazing and beautiful wife who courageously decided to start this foundation. She never ceases to amaze me. We have now donated almost 2,000 pairs of socks to people going through treatments, this year alone! All because she wanted to bring a little hope to others through the simple gesture of sending socks. Looking forward to sending many more care packages and hopefully providing lots more smiles. #halliestrong, Kevin

Bethany Hart
Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Anna
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Hi everyone! Anna here from #teamhallie. I was born in St. Charles, Illinois but I now live in Columbus, Ohio, with my wonderful husband and my baby boy who graced us with his presence this past August. Let me tell you, these last three months are something to be thankful for! Lincoln Finn filled our home with a joy and purpose that I never knew existed. When I look at him, I feel like my entire heart is smiling (is that a thing!?)! 

Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be a mom and this little boy made all of my dreams come true on August 18th. Becoming a mom is NO JOKE though - the lack of sleep, the anxiety, the spit up, the pee (boy mom)…it’s hard work! Some days I’m just thankful I was able to shower. There are definitely times of doubt and fear (social media can be the best and worst thing for new parents) but that is when I am most grateful for the love and support of friends and family - especially this incredible #teamhallie squad of kick a** moms and dad (shoutout to Kevin). This team is made up of fighters and people who embody what true strength is. My sister, Bethany Hart, is not only an incredible Mom but she is the reason this foundation exists. She has been through one of the most difficult hardships life can throw at you but instead of giving up, she chose to turn her story into motivation for others. I’m grateful for her each and every day because she not only pushes me to be the best mom I can be, but the best person I can be. I love doing life with her by my side. 

Bethany Hart
Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Hilary
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Hi I’m Hilary! A #teamhallie member based out of Charleston, SC moving around the world wherever my husband’s job takes us. It’s a whirlwind lifestyle but one that I’m infinitely thankful for leading me to beautiful places I never could have imagined and introducing me to strangers that quickly become family when we are miles away from our own. I’m thankful for the constant reminder that there is so much good and beauty in this world and for the compassion of humankind from all walks of life. I’m thankful for a life that challenges me to view the world through varied perspectives, pushes me beyond my comfort zone as we learn from new cultures, and draws me closer to my foundation; my husband, who to me, is a daily reminder to dream big dreams, that hard work will always pays off, sacrifice leads you to unforeseen opportunity, and home is truly where the heart is. I’m thankful for family and friends who’s love and support withstands the miles and time zones making us feel right around the corner no matter what we miss out on back home. I’m thankful for our daughter, Bonnie Lou, our tiniest treasure who’s beating heart and gummy grin reminds me that blessings are all around us: on special days of celebration and every single day in between. I’m grateful for the chance to instill things in her that we have been lucky enough to learn as we experience the world around us. Most of all I’m thankful for the good health of all our loved ones, that each day is a new chance to love and be loved and for the everlasting feeling that there’s truly no place like home - no matter where home may be. 

Bethany Hart
Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Kelly

Hello HallieStong Friends! I'm Kelly Causey, cancer survivor and part of #teamhallie. I live in Northern Kentucky with my husband Michael, our son Marcus, and our fur-baby, Phoebe. 

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I could write a very LONG post on the things I'm thankful for but I'll keep it brief because the biggest thing I'm thankful for today is worth standing alone.

Today in this very moment, I'm thankful for these words: No evidence of disease! 

Yesterday I received the good news that my scan results were clear. Those words always bring me back to a place of immense gratitude and calm. The whole reason we do what we do at HallieStrong is because many people don't get those good results and they are left feeling shattered.

Additionally, I am thankful for education and technology. How amazing is it to live in a world where the machine I need to for my scan is 20 minutes from my home? How lucky am I that the medical team (radiologist, nurses, doctors, etc.) I need invested in their education AND they just so happen to live in my town? Education and Technology are powerful things that truly can mean survival for some. Today, I'm thankful for life and being a survivor!

Bethany Hart
Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Sheila

Hi! My name is Sheila and I am part of #teamhallie! I am from Orland Park, IL and currently live in Lockport with my husband and two children.


I am thankful for my husband who works endlessly to provide my children with every opportunity they could ever dream of. I am thankful for our village who steps in to take care of our kids while we are working, and I am thankful for the two little blessings who call me Mom. I am thankful for the outdoors and teaching our kids how to appreciate it. Everyday I am thankful for having a home, a wonderful family, food to eat and clothes to wear. I am thankful to have a job and a car to get me there. But when I think deeply about what I am truly thankful for I realize the little things that at first glance make me cringe are truly things to be thankful for.


I’m thankful for the dishes in the sink because they represent a meal I enjoyed with my whole family sitting around the table. I am thankful for the dog hair on my black pants because it means I got down on the floor and enjoyed our pet and kids. I am thankful for the handprints and kiss marks on my front window because they are the ones my kids so happily made while seeing me pull into the driveway to come home to them. I am thankful for the toys on the ground because it means my kids had a fun day playing. I am thankful for the pile of clothes that haven’t yet been put away because I spent my day making memories with my family instead. Through the HallieStrong Foundation I have read so many stories about people giving back. I have learned of people who are fighting horrible battles with such positivity. I have seen people reaching out to help complete strangers. I have seen people going through their own battles, reaching out to help others. Through all of this, I have learned to be thankful for the little things because after all, the little things are really the big things.🧡 -Sheila

Bethany Hart
Team Hallie Gratitude Series: Noelle

Can you believe Thanksgiving is just three weeks away?! 🦃 When it comes to cancer, it can be hard to find the silver linings but we truly believe they are always there if you look hard enough. Starting today & lasting through Thanksgiving, each Tuesday/Thursday, a different member of Team Hallie is going to take over our social media and share what they’re most grateful for this year. We believe a little gratitude goes a long way and we also believe it’s quite contagious. Hope you love this behind the scenes peek into the lives of #teamhallie - the magic makers of #halliestrong! Enjoy!


Hi guys! I’m Noelle! Born in the Bay Area and living in AZ! I’m a feisty Italian that enjoys a good red wine and handful of M&Ms. You can usually find me laughing in the middle of a crowd of people & if you’re lucky enough I’m cracking jokes.


There’s so much I’m thankful for and I’ll always be thankful for the roof over my family’s head and food on the table, my husband for working tirelessly along side me every step of the way and my parents for instilling independence and a work ethic within me but what I’m most thankful for is the health of my family & my friends that I consider my family too. After bringing our daughter into the world a year and half ago the “health of family & friends” took on a whole new meaning. In this rat race world that we’re all living in (& sprinting through at times) change is inevitable & so many things can come and go that are out of our control but I’m forever grateful for the memories being made with my daughter that no one can take from me. There’s nothing I love more than watching my parents, my family and my friends with our daughter and for that I’m extremely thankful for all of our health. I’m also thankful for @halliestrongfoundation that has allowed me to create new friendships & bonds while giving hope & love to those that need it the most. 🧡, Noelle

Bethany Hart
Hallie Hope, 11.3.16

“...our hearts ached as we walked out as two, after going in as three.”

We lost our Hallie three years ago yesterday. I had every intention of posting this yesterday to honor and to remember our little, as she’s the very inspiration of this foundation but some days punch harder than you think and yesterday did just that. So here I am today. This is the blog post where we introduced Hallie Hope to the world and is more than worth a share today and everyday. Some days this foundation feels impossible to run because of why we have it but I force myself to remember that this very foundation guarantees that our daughter’s name, memory & legacy will never be forgotten, one of my deepest fears, considering our story.

Our world has never been the same since 11.3.16 and will never be what it should’ve been. I’m still waiting for time to heal all wounds! Nobody should ever have to go into a hospital as three, only to leave with empty arms. Nobody should ever have to fight cancer.

What I would give to hug you so tight today Hallie, and to hear you say, “Mom, stop, you’re squeezing me!”


Bethany Hart

This is our 100th #hallieshope care package of the year shipping out today.


100 warriors fighting cancer across 26 states. While we celebrate nothing about the circumstances, we celebrate the opportunity we’ve had to join in each of these warrior’s battles in memory of Hallie. We read every story submitted before sending a care package and it has been 100 reminders of how cruel and unfair cancer is. 100 reminders of how much we hate what cancer does, what it steals. 100 reminders of our own fight that started three years ago this week. 100 reminders of how hard hope is to come by when battling this beast. 100 reminders of how much people want to help their warriors who are hurting. 100 reminders of how more we want to do to help. We hope this number is 1,000 some day soon. And beyond! All for you Hallie girl. 🧡

If you know someone fighting cancer today, send them a care package free of charge here!

#halliestrong #hallieshope #cancersucks

Bethany Hart
Socktober 2019

Happy October, Happy Socktober!

Today officially launches our second annual Socktober, our biggest annual fundraiser and sockraiser. So far this year we’ve sent 86 care packages to warriors fighting cancer & we’ve donated over 700 pairs of socks to cancer centers across the country. Every dollar and pair of socks raised during Socktober will go directly towards spreading Hallie’s Hope in even bigger ways! So, you ask, how can you help? There are a few different ways!
🧦 Donate socks! We’ve made it super simple this year by creating an Amazon wish list, which will ship the socks you pick directly to us. Shop that here!
🧦 Ship new, fun and warm socks to: The HallieStrong Foundation, 2 Plaza Drive, #6064, Woodridge, IL 60517. When someone nominates a warrior, we ask what would be a perfect match of socks for them (think hobbies, holidays, colors, etc.), so keep that in mind while shopping!
🧦 Donate money! This is a hugely helpful way to make an impact as it helps to offset shipping costs of the care packages, our biggest expense. All donations are tax deductible. Give here on our website!

Other ways to help? Share, share, share both our Socktober initiative and also our mission! We of course hope to have a hugely successful month in growing our sock collection and financial ability to help but we also hope we are able to connect with more people who are fighting cancer today.

If you’re interested in hosting any type of sock drive or fundraiser at your work, church, business, gym, team, etc. we would love to work with you on that! We can provide you with flyers, boxes, prizes - anything to make it a fun experience for a great cause. Email us at

Are you a business or individual looking to make a larger contribution? We’d love to connect with you directly! Email

Sincere thanks for making this an incredible Socktober, thus allowing us to do even more in memory of Hallie! 🧡

Bethany Hart
Coming Soon…

Participate if you dare! The calendar changing to September means we are just ONE month away from our biggest annual fundraiser & sockraiser, #Socktober, to push forward our efforts at HallieStrong! This year, we have set a goal of 15 & 50 - 15 sock drives & 50 individual contributors of either socks, money or both! Want to be part of making this a huge #socktober? Commit now! 

15: Host a sock drive at your school, work, gym, church, etc. We will work with you on all the planning - it can be as simple as a donation box or a competition that we will provide prizes for! Add in a layer of fundraising at work - $5 for a causal Friday. The options are endless and guaranteed fun to help our cause. If you’re interested, fill out the quick form below or email us at and we will be in touch!  

50: No action needed today other than a 🙋🏼‍♀️! If you are willing to donate socks, money or both throughout the month of October, simply fill out the quick form below to say you’re in! Whether it’s one pair of socks or a 100, $5 dollars or $500, every contribution will make a remarkable difference in spreading Hallie’s Hope! 

28 days until kickoff! Who’s in?!

Bethany Hart
HallieStrong on Q102

Our very own co-founder Bethany & Team Hallie member Kelly were featured on Cincinnati’s Q102 Give Back Tuesday segment this week! DJ Mollie Watson hosted them on the 30 minute segment to talk all things HallieStrong & our second annual Socktober which is coming up. Visit Mollie’s blog post about the broadcast here.

If you missed the broadcast, here is the link to listen to it. It definitely is a must listen!


Throughout the broadcast you heard us pick and play six different songs from the 90s-2000s that are meaningful to our foundation. Curious for the backstory on each? You’re in luck!


I’ll Be There For You: Friends! Need we say more? Pretty much everyone on Team Hallie is pretty obsessed with the show, especially Kelly, who named her dog Phoebe! Beyond the obvious, the meaning of this song perfectly encapsulates why we do what we do - wanting to show up in a time when people need it most. We did get a good laugh though, wondering how many people listening were realizing for the first time it’s an actual song, not just a ten second intro!

Hall of Fame: …and the world’s gonna know your name…our entire goal for our Hallie girl. Plus the lyric that says you can walk straight through hell with a smile - every package we send, we hope to be that small smile in the midst of the hell that is a cancer battle.

Everybody: Although Bethany & Kelly fought the same kind of cancer, we want to connect with any patient fighting any type of cancer. Regardless of stage, type, age, location, treatment plan, we want to spread Hallie’s Hope to …everybody!

Whoop! There It Is: tag team, back again! Such a great song that you’re probably singing in your head now after reading the first lyric. The only way you can survive cancer is finding the moments of levity and that’s exactly what this pick was by our co-founder Kevin, notorious for always drawing the positive out of any situation!

We are the Champions: ah, the ultimate anthem of Bethany’s. Anyone that knows her or has spent any amount of time with her knows she has proudly played (overplayed?) this song since beating cancer. There was also an epic beat cancer party that Kevin & Bethany hosted as a way to say thanks to everyone who had supported them so well throughout the darkest time of their life and rumor has it that party ended with a large circle of their closest friends and family singing along to this song, while spraying champagne. …But it's been no bed of roses, No pleasure cruise, I consider it a challenge before the whole human race, And I ain't gonna lose!

I’ll Stand By You: the tearjerker! We got a lot of texts while this one played that it was instant tears and we agree! On the surface, there are simply no more perfect lyrics for a cancer patient to hear from a family member or friend than this song. For the purpose of this broadcast, Bethany dedicated the song to Kelly. For those newer to our foundation, Bethany & Kelly met through a Facebook group of women with the same type of rare cancer. Kelly was three months ahead of Bethany and when she saw her post in desperation after being diagnosed, she immediately reached out. She became an instant source of comfort, knowledge, perspective, a true sounding board. What began as ‘cancer friends’ quickly became besties, and is now family. Kevin and Bethany asked Kelly to join Team Hallie in October of last year. Kelly means warrior and there is no truer description for her or better song to end the segment! Kelly and Bethany talk a lot about being each other’s silver lining in cancer and it’s all of our hope at HallieStrong to be the silver lining for as many cancer patients as we can be, in memory of Hallie!

During the broadcast we talked about our upcoming Socktober event, our biggest annual fundraiser and sockraiser! Socktober kicks off October 1st and lasts all month, with our goal to raise as many dollars and pairs of socks as we possibly can to put towards spreading Hallie’s Hope. If you’d be interested in hosting a sock drive at your work, church, school, etc, contact us today at We will work directly with you on all the details to make sure it’s an awesome event for your group! If you’d like to donate individually, all the details will be here on our website on how to donate.

Don’t want to wait to donate? We’d be grateful! To donate financially, visit All donations are tax deductible! To learn how to donate socks, visit Thanks so much for your help in furthering Hallie’s Hope!


Big thanks again to Mollie & Q102 for having us on. We hope you enjoyed the broadcast as much as we did!

Bethany HartComment
HallieStrong + Glassybaby Lighting Event

Thanks to all of those who came out last week to our glassybaby lighting event. It was a wonderful evening of shopping, brews & mingling while supporting HallieStrong! We truly enjoyed the opportunity to meet glassybaby fans and introduce them to our mission and vice versa.


Bonus for the evening was two of our Team Hallie members joining us from out of town! Noelle flew in from Arizona and Kelly drove in from Kentucky to partake in the evening.


Huge thanks to Paul, Emily & John for opening their doors at Skeleton Key Brewery to us to host the event! It was the perfect place to gather. Thanks also to Vicki & Lauren from glassybaby for running a great pop up.


If you’re still interested in purchasing a glassybaby while supporting HallieStrong, contact us directly as soon as possible at

Thanks again for making our first event a big hit!

Bethany Hart
HallieStrong's First Event!
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Most of you have seen by now, but in cause you haven’t, we are hosting our first ever HallieStrong event on August 22nd! I’m admittedly pinching myself a bit as we’ve been dreaming of events since the day the idea for HallieStrong was born. The way this first event has unfolded, especially in who we’ve teamed up with for it, I have to say that it’s a heck of a start for us.



This event will feature a GlassyBaby pop up shop with $3 of every sale going directly to our Foundation. Glassybaby is a company incredibly near and dear to our hearts because it was also founded by a cancer survivor but more so because of how we were introduced to glassybaby. Glassybaby handmakes these beautiful candles, each named for something & comes with a story. Shortly after the day that we lost Hallie, our great friends (and now Team Hallie member) Noelle & David sent us the Angel candle and today it still sits nexts to Hallie’s handprints and footprints. Our collection has since grown to include the votives like Hope and Sweet Pea, the one Kevin got for me this past Mother’s Day, as Hallie will forever be our sweet pea. We’ve since started a tradition with our friends of picking out and sending each other a glassybaby each Christmas and instead of flowers for life’s milestones, happy or sad, we will only send glassybaby now purely because of their lasting, meaningful impact. As I write this, I’m looking at my mantle and all the different ones we have, my current favorite of course being Brother, our newest addition for our newest addition, sent from our besties. We are just so excited to connect our HallieStrong world with Glassybaby at this event, for the beauty of their story and because our mission of spreading hope so closely aligns.

Hope, Friendship, Mrs. Clause, Mistletoe, Angel

Hope, Friendship, Mrs. Clause, Mistletoe, Angel

And if that’s not enough, what makes the night even more meaningful for us is where we’re having it - Skeleton Key Brewery. This brewery is near and dear to our hearts! We stumbled upon it randomly initially and it has since grown into a true source of community for us. Some of our most treasured friendships have come from people we’ve met there! Not to mention their brews are delicious (just ask Kevin, the king of “one more” there!). Owned by a brother/sister, hubby/wife team, their story and the business they’ve built is awesome. What we love most about Paul, Emily & John, other than their ability to brew great beer & create an incredible atmosphere (and to throw a party like no other!) is their love for their customers and their willingness to help & give back to those in the community. You should also read the story of their incubator program where they help others brew beer & start breweries of their own. They are truly incredible people and we are so grateful that they’ve opened their doors for us to host this event.

Come join us on the 22nd at 6:30! Grab a beer, take your time in reading the meaning of each candle & walk away with a memory you’ll have forever! Guess it’s never to early to remind you that this could mark the start of your Christmas shopping, for a great cause! 😉 Full details of the event can be found here on Glassybaby’s event page. See you there!


Bethany HartComment
Calling all Amazon Shoppers

Thanks to Amazon Smile, 0.5% of every dollar you spend through Amazon Smile, will now automatically be donated directly to our Foundation! Best part is, it’s quick to set up and the easiest way to make an immediate impact on the work we’re doing!

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Simply follow this link to select us as your charity: When you go to shop, make sure to always start at & the percentage of your purchase will automatically come to us!

Thanks so much for your continued support in helping us to further Hallie’s legacy!

Bethany Hart
New This, New That, New Everything!

It’s an exciting day at the Foundation as we announce a lot of ‘new!’ It’s as if we got our official 501(c)3 status recently or something. In all seriousness, everything we’re launching today is a result of a lot of dreaming, a lot of scheming and it is all just the beginning.

So what is it that we’re launching today?

  • A new website

  • A new member of Team Hallie

  • A new program to volunteer for to help us spread Hallie’s Hope as far and as wide as we can

  • Fundraising & Sockraising Opportunities

  • A new way to keep in touch

Pretty cool, isn’t it? Here is everything you need to know about each!

New website! Same web address, whole new design.


New member of Team Hallie! Meet Noelle - wife, mama, boss lady, incredible friend, and self proclaimed Secretary of Socks & Delivery (married to the Secretary to the Secretary of Socks & Delivery). Real title to come but can’t let the new program news steal her introduction thunder here. Noelle and hubby David have walked this crazy road of cancer with us since day one and have been instrumental in getting us through, keeping us laughing & keeping Hallie’s memory alive. A recent trip to Arizona, a Rosati’s pizza and a glass (or two) of wine sparked the idea for what Noelle has helped us launch. Noelle’s support (and David & Reagan’s!) of everything we’ve done so far has meant so much to us and we are so excited to officially welcome her to Team Hallie.


New Program! Introducing Hallie Helpers! This program was born of two opportunities - one, we want to connect with as many cancer patients as we possibly can, in as many ways as we can. This is a great avenue to connect on the day of treatment in a pick-me-up sort of fashion, but also out of a necessity. No one tells you how much you need a warm pair of socks on treatment days because hospitals are never warm and your shoes are always the first to go when you hit that chemo chair. Two, we know there are so many people who want to help us further Hallie’s legacy & we want all the help we can get! Becoming a Hallie Helper means wherever you are, establishing a relationship with a hospital/cancer center in your area & donating Hallie’s Hope socks that we send to you. Whether you’d like to do a one time drop off or establish a cadence right for you, we would love for you to be a Hallie Helper! Noelle launched this program at Phoenix Children’s Hospital & the emotions of the day says everything about the hope that is needed on every oncology floor across America. What better way to do that than in Hallie’s memory. You’ll be hearing more about Noelle’s launch soon and if you’re interested in becoming a Hallie Helper, visit our website: to fill out the form.

New way to keep in touch! We are launching a monthly newsletter! This is a great way to stay connected with all we’re doing and ways to get involved. We will be sharing stories of our volunteers, our impact & new ways to help. We also look forward to using this as a platform to spread cancer awareness & tackling topics from every angle - whether you’re a patient, survivor, caregiver, best friend, relative, etc. To sign up, go to & enter your email address at the bottom of home page.

New volunteer opportunities! In addition to being a Hallie Helper, we are also launching efforts to both fundraise & sockraise (new catchphrase!). We’ve already had a whole variety of sockraising efforts that have been really cool and unique and we’re excited to partner with you on these very important parts that will allow us to grow the Foundation’s impact. There is no fund/sockraising idea too big or too small to make an impact and we are ready to partner with you to make it a wonderful experience! If you’re interested in this (which we’re hoping for a lot of!), visit to fill out the form.

It’s an exciting day for all of us on Team Hallie & for me and Kevin especially. All of these efforts are the foundation for our big plan of making Hallie proud in the biggest way possible. Sincere gratitude for all of you for helping that dream to become a reality! This makes us one step closer to our gala and that sparkly dress I will absolutely be wearing.


Bethany & Kevin

Bethany Hart